1 module hunt.xml.Common;
3 // dfmt off
4 /++
5 +   An integer indicating which type of node this is.
6 +
7 +   Note:
8 +   Numeric codes up to 200 are reserved to W3C for possible future use.
9 +/
10 enum NodeType {
11     Element = 1,    //!< An element node. Name contains element name. Value contains text of first data node.
12     Attribute,
13     Text,           //!< A data node. Name is empty. Value contains data text.
14     CDATA,          //!< A CDATA node. Name is empty. Value contains data text.
15     EntityReference,
16     Entity,
17     ProcessingInstruction, //!< A PI node. Name contains target. Value contains instructions.
18     Comment,        //!< A comment node. Name is empty. Value contains comment text.
19     Document,       //!< A document node. Name and value are empty.
20     DocumentType,   //!< A DOCTYPE node. Name is empty. Value contains DOCTYPE text.
22     DocumentFragment,
23     Notation,
24     Declaration    //!< A declaration node. Name and value are empty. Declaration parameters (version, encoding and standalone) are in node attributes.
25     //!< Value is unencoded text (used for inserting pre-rendered XML).
26 }
27 // dfmt on
29 /** 
30  * Parsing flags
31  */
32 enum ParsingFlags {
34     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to not create data nodes.
35     /// Text of first data node will still be placed in value of parent element, unless EelementValues flag is also specified.
36     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
37     /// <br><br>
38     DataNodes = 0x1,
40     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to not use text of first data node as a value of parent element.
41     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
42     /// Note that child data nodes of element node take precendence over its value when printing.
43     /// That is, if element has one or more child data nodes <em>and</em> a value, the value will be ignored.
44     /// Use DataNodes flag to prevent creation of data nodes if you want to manipulate data using values of elements.
45     /// <br><br>
46     EelementValues = 0x2,
48     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to not place zero terminators after strings in the source text.
49     /// By default zero terminators are placed, modifying source text.
50     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
51     /// <br><br>
52     StringTerminators = 0x4,
54     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to not translate entities in the source text.
55     /// By default entities are translated, modifying source text.
56     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
57     /// <br><br>
58     EntityTranslation = 0x8,
60     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to disable UTF-8 handling and assume plain 8 bit characters.
61     /// By default, UTF-8 handling is enabled.
62     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
63     /// <br><br>
64     NoUtf8 = 0x10,
66     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to create XML declaration node.
67     /// By default, declaration node is not created.
68     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
69     /// <br><br>
70     DeclarationNode = 0x20,
72     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to create comments nodes.
73     /// By default, comment nodes are not created.
74     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
75     /// <br><br>
76     CommentNodes = 0x40,
78     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to create DOCTYPE node.
79     /// By default, doctype node is not created.
80     /// Although W3C specification allows at most one DOCTYPE node, RapidXml will silently accept documents with more than one.
81     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
82     /// <br><br>
83     DoctypeNode = 0x80,
85     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to create PI nodes.
86     /// By default, PI nodes are not created.
87     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
88     /// <br><br>
89     PiNodes = 0x100,
91     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to validate closing tag names.
92     /// If not set, name inside closing tag is irrelevant to the parser.
93     /// By default, closing tags are not validated.
94     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
95     /// <br><br>
96     ValidateClosingTags = 0x200,
98     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to trim all leading and trailing whitespace of data nodes.
99     /// By default, whitespace is not trimmed.
100     /// This flag does not cause the parser to modify source text.
101     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
102     /// <br><br>
103     TrimWhitespace = 0x400,
105     /// Parse flag instructing the parser to condense all whitespace runs of data nodes to a single space character.
106     /// Trimming of leading and trailing whitespace of data is controlled by TrimWhitespace flag.
107     /// By default, whitespace is not normalized.
108     /// If this flag is specified, source text will be modified.
109     /// Can be combined with other flags by use of | operator.
110     /// <br><br>
111     NormalizeWhitespace = 0x800,
113     /// Parse flag to say "Parse only the initial element opening."
114     /// Useful for XMLstreams used in XMPP.
115     OpenOnly = 0x1000,
117     /// Parse flag to say "Toss the children of the top node and parse off
118     /// one element.
119     /// Useful for parsing off XMPP top-level elements.
120     ParseOne = 0x2000,
122     /// Parse flag to say "Validate XML namespaces fully."
123     /// This will generate additional errors, including unbound prefixes
124     /// and duplicate attributes (with different prefices)
125     ValidateXmlns = 0x4000,
127     // Compound flags
129     /// Parse flags which represent default behaviour of the parser.
130     /// This is always equal to 0, so that all other flags can be simply ored together.
131     /// Normally there is no need to inconveniently disable flags by anding with their negated (~) values.
132     /// This also means that meaning of each flag is a <i>negation</i> of the default setting.
133     /// For example, if flag name is NoUtf8, it means that utf-8 is <i>enabled</i> by default,
134     /// and using the flag will disable it.
135     /// <br><br>
136     Default = 0,
138     /// A combination of parse flags that forbids any modifications of the source text.
139     /// This also results in faster parsing. However, note that the following will occur:
140     /// <ul>
141     /// <li>names and values of nodes will not be zero terminated, you have to use xml_base::name_size() and xml_base::value_size() functions to determine where name and value ends</li>
142     /// <li>entities will not be translated</li>
143     /// <li>whitespace will not be normalized</li>
144     /// </ul>
145     NonDestructive = StringTerminators | EntityTranslation,
147     /// A combination of parse flags resulting in fastest possible parsing, without sacrificing important data.
148     /// <br><br>
149     Fastest = NonDestructive | DataNodes,
151     /// A combination of parse flags resulting in largest amount of data being extracted.
152     /// This usually results in slowest parsing.
153     /// <br><br>
154     Full = DeclarationNode | CommentNodes | DoctypeNode | PiNodes | ValidateClosingTags,
155 }
157 /** 
158  * 
159  */
160 class XmlParsingException : Exception {
161     this(string msg, string text) {
162         super(msg ~ " " ~ text);
163     }
165     this(string msg, char[] text) {
166         super(msg ~ " " ~ cast(string) text.dup);
167     }
168 }
171 /** 
172  * 
173  */
174 class XmlException : Exception {
175     this(string msg) {
176         super(msg);
177     }
178 }